Wednesday, July 27, 2011

White People Wednesdays

Once again, once again, its time to see how White I am, not just in skin tone (cause we all know that's not arguable at all), but in personality and culture. Remember you can view the whole list here at

#7: Diversity- In this post they say white people only like diversity when it comes to restaurants. And I admit, one of the things I do not like about living in Alaska is the lack of cultural diversity when it comes to food. And I guess living in a state where pretty much everybody is either White or Native Alaskan isn't super diverse. But I did grow up in Southern California where there are lots of ethnic diversity. On the other hand, I grew up in an upscale mostly white people kind of community. Hmmm... this one is tough... GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! And I guess given my choice, I would raise my family in a nice upscale community, but I don't think I would pick somewhere just because there were a lot of white people. Ok, I think I'm gonna count this one. Decision MADE!

#8: Barack Obama- No. No I do not care for Obama. I don't hate him. I didn't vote for him, and while I think he is very charismatic, I don't think he is an exceptional president. I hope the republicans can come up with a decent candidate for 2012 so that Obama doesn't get reelected.

#9: Making You Feel Bad About Not Going Outside- Oh jeeze... I make MYSELF feel bad about not going outside. I love being outside! I always feel so great if I spend time outside... going for a walk, or hiking, or swimming, or camping, or whatever. However, I am a lazy bum, and I often just don't bother doing anything about it. Which is stupid, because I should be taking advantage of the light and the warmth while it lasts. So I guess, I qualify for this one, because I do it to myself... sigh... I should really go for a hike...

White Points: 5.5
Non-White Points: 3.5

To make me feel better, here is a picture of me hiking:

Actually, this picture does not make me feel better. I look like a retard. My friend said I looked like a "Craptar" which I guess is what a retard Velociraptor would look like...

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