Monday, July 11, 2011

Skidaddle-doodle and A Billion Other Phrases that will guarentee everyone will think you are a big dork...

I do not care what you think. Ok, that is a lie. I care what you think... LOVE ME! But anyway, the point is caring what you think of me has never stopped me from being my awesome and amazing self! And like all mega-cool people, I have my own vocabulary (which you may wish to copy as you begin to realize that you too can be as cool as I am). But because I wouldn't want to overload you with awesome, here are three words you can begin to use in order to become more and more like me aka really really white... I mean awesome.

Skiddadle-doodle: (verb... its what you do hahahahaha) To leave in a manner that suggests gaiety, air-headedness, child-like bliss, and purple sparkly retarded unicorns prancing inexplicably in mid-air.
Ex: Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to Skiddadle-doodle on home.

Carp!: (noun) While actually this is a fish that looks like this

I like to use this one as an explative instead of crap. Not only is is fun to say, but parents don't glare at you like you said the "s" word when you use it in front of their kids.
Ex: OH CARP! I totally forgot to pay the heating bill and its 40 below outside.

Riddikulus: (adjective) Originally the spell used to banish boggarts in Harry Potter, now used in place of the word ridiculous to describe a bizarre, unbelievable, or other wise ridiculous situation. In fact I have completely phased the word ridiculous out of my vocabulary, except apparently in this blog.

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