Wednesday, July 13, 2011

White People Wednesdays

I have decided to get a good grip on exactly how white I really am! So I have decided to make White People Wednesdays, where every Wednesday I work my way through the Stuff White People Like list and keep a running totally of how white (or not white) that I am. To see the website I am getting this list from, look here:

#1: Coffee- Ok I'll admit. I love coffee. I love Starbucks coffee. In fact... I have Starbucks swag.

See? Totally loves me my Starbucks AND I'm helping the environment. And while I don't buy Organic Fair Trade Coffee like the article suggests I will (Lets be honest, its only because the hubs is a poor college student), I do buy coffee in bean form and grind it up fresh each day. I also buy it in bulk from Sam's Club... cause its cheaper. And my greatest coffee lament, is that Starbucks only has peppermint lattes during the Christmas season. I would buy that carp year round!

#2: Religions That Their Parents Don't Belong To- Well... last time I checked, both of my parents raised me to love Jesus. Which means they heart the bible... and last time I checked, I haz Jesus. So I'm just gonna say, despite a short time in my early adolescence where I dabbled about, I like the religion my parents belong to. But on the other hand... I'm more into relationship than religion! Muahahahahaha, but still... I loves Jesus.

#3: Film Festivals- I have never been to a film festival, but if you wanna invite me I will totally go because it sounds AWESOME! I love Indy films. Films with quirky characters. Films in a foreign language. Films the ambiguous endings. Films with long pauses between dialogue. Also, like the article suggests, I have indeed taken a film class. And I loved it.

White Points: 2
Non-White Points: 1

Still White? I think so.

This is me being relieved that should the Apocalypse happen, I can rely on jeeps to get me around after the end of the world.

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