Sunday, July 24, 2011

Soy is Evil!!! And other things that "scare" me

Is it just me, or do white people (which as we all know includes me) tend to get on a "this particular food item is evil kick"? For one of my friends, its hydrogenated stuff. She buys natural peanut butter. Freaked out when she saw me put Crisco in my pie crust (I offered to put lard in instead, but I don't think she liked that idea very much either). She does seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Nutella though... True story, Nutella is not healthy, but because it has hazelnuts in it I like to pretend it is. ANYWHO I too have a "particular food item that is evil". And that is SOY.

Not this soy... this soy is Edamame and it is DELICIOUS!!! Especially on sushi nights at home... yummy! And its good for you. No, what I am talking about is Genetically Modified Soy. See, the US is the number one grower of soy (not China! I know... I was surprised too. But China comes in second so you weren't far off.) And MOST of it is genetically modified, which basically means they take some foods DNA and shove some forgein DNA stuff to make them do things they wouldn't normally do. Wikipedia lists one example of a pig that was genetically modified to produce Omega-3 Fatty Acids by adding a specific gene of a roundworm... which looks like this:

Do wanna hurl too? Good. Anyway, the soy is modified by adding a bacteria that makes them resistant to a certain kind of herbicide.... which I guess makes it possible for them to grow it in huge amounts without them worrying about dying or whatever. Hence, the US being the biggest Soy producer in the world. Now the scariest bits: When fed to Hamsters, in three generations the hamsters were mostly unable to reproduce. Those that did, had really messed up babies that wound up dying!!! So needless to say after reading that genetically modified soy freaked me out. So I though to myself, I'll just avoid things with soy products! But here is the problem... SOY IS IN EVERYTHING!

Its in Pop Tarts!
Its in Chocolate!
Its in the Powerbars I love to eat!
Its in soooo many things!!!! Almost everything has some form of soy in it!!! This really just makes me wanna cry. I love pop tarts!!! So maybe I'll just keep eating things with GM Soy and pretend they don't have it. Its like plugging your ears and going "lalalalalala I can't hear you" but with your eyes... or maybe your stomach... Or maybe I'll just start hating hydrogenated things instead, because that would be a bit easier to avoid.

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