Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I've found something where having white skin is better than having dark skin! I'm really not trying to be racist here... I'm not really a racist type person. And in fact, I often wish my skin was darker. I'm so white I blind people at the beach!

SEE?!?! (We were making Sand Castles... it was AWESOME! Except for the part where my tan looked white compared to everyone else's white...)

The truth is I was born a century late or something. Just my luck that my freakishly pale skin would have made me so smokin' Hot in the early 1900s... sigh. I hope all of my children are born with my husbands skin. He tans.

Anyway, in most things I tend to think having dark skin is way better than having white skin. You don't burn in the sun. You tan. You are less likely to get skin cancer (at least I think you are, I don't really know. I haven't done the research.) You can wear Orange! I love orange as a color. Not construction worker orange, but pretty much any other shade of orange, like pumpkin or tangerine or burnt sienna (or is that brown? I can never remember). Anyway, I have to stick with cool colors. Dark ones in particular look nice on me... the jewel tones you know. I can wear red... if its the blue based sort of red... like cranberry. And occasionally I find a yellow I can pull off, but never an orange. And I so wish I could wear orange... if only I had darker skin.. sigh.

Wow this blog post is getting off topic. The point is... there is one area I have found where having light skin is better than having dark skin and that is... TATTOOS!!!
I love tattoos. I think that they can really be works of art. And so in this one area I am thankful that I am freakishly translucently pale (Did I mention I turn blue and purple when I am cold? True Story.) Here is why:

White Girl with Tattoo:

Please note that this is not me. I am not brave enough to get a tattoo this big in an area that will most certainly stretch out during pregnancy.

Black Guy with Tattoo:

See? It doesn't pop so much.

So in the end, sure I burn like a lobster when exposed to sunlight for more than five minutes. Sure I'm freckle-y on my arms and shoulders. And I'm almost guaranteed to get skin cancer thanks to previously mentioned burns and a long family history. But at least there is one thing to be thankful for about my freakishly pale skin (thanks Irish ancestors!) All of my tattoos pop on my skin. (I have two of them in case you are wondering.) Which I guess means I should get more of them? Heeheehee!

Here is a picture of me looking whiter than other white people (and one or two Asian people). There really is no hope for me.

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