Wednesday, July 20, 2011

White People Wednesdays

Ahhhh another week... another Wednesday... And once again its time to see how White I really am using the list from Last week the score was 2 to 1 in favor of being WHITE! And as I sit here hoping that for some reason the Lifetime Movie about JK Rowling's life will be playing (or at least some Criminal Minds... OOOH ITS WEDNESDAY!!! That means I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant will be on tonight!!! Score!!!), I wonder if there is hope for me at all in the non-white department. And then I remember that I just found a Gryffindor Cardigan for $30 on the WB website that I WANT... so maybe not. (Now to convince the hubs that it will be a worth addition to my winter wardrobe...) Anyway, on to White people things...

#4: Assists- This is when White players in sports help black (or other ethnic peoples I guess) make those amazing shots by helping set up the shots maybe... or passing them the ball... or something? I don't really know. I only know, they don't actually make cool shots. The thing is (I don't know if you guessed) I don't play sports. I ran track and cross country in high school, but I didn't even play soccer growing up. I am not coordinated, also I am lazy and uncoordinated and don't like that feeling you get when you are out of shape and your chest hurts really bad because you ran around too much and your lungs can't handle it any more. On the other hand, I do like that feeling when your muscles are really sore and you can't really walk up or down stairs properly. Its sort of like playing russian rulette with stairs. Will my legs give out on me this time? I don't know!

#5: Farmers Markets- WE HAVE ONE IN FAIRBANKS!!! Which I was honestly really excited about, but the truth is... I haven't actually gone. I mean to, and then I remember that we are poor and can't afford vegetables. And then my friend Eva brings me stuff from her mom's greenhouse, and I'm like.. WHY WOULD I PAY FOR THIS WHEN I CAN GET IT FOR FREE?!?!? That being said, Farmer's markets are cool, and I would in fact go to the one here if I wasn't lazy or something like that. The article also mentions bringing your dog and your kids. If I had a dog or kids, I would totally bring them to the Farmer's market. I think its a great way to give them cool life experiences. The kids, not the dog. The dog could care less, except for the being outdoors bit and the walking around bit, which now that I think about it would be good for me. Maybe I should go to the Farmer's Market. Oooh, I could walk there and stop by the Falafel place for lunch!

#6: Organic Food- I don't buy Organic food. Here is why. Organic food is the same food as regular food, only without being sprayed with chemicals. Ok ok Chemicals are bad for you, but I just can't justify the price. I mean, the reason they cost more is because more bugs get to them and eat them all up, so there are less quality products to ship to the consumers and so they have to charge more to make sure that they are able to cover their losses caused by the lack of pesticides. But I'm not going to lie, every time I think about us having kids, I think "I'm gonna switch to organics once we have kids so that I don't put nasty chemicals in their bodies... also I'm going to make their own baby food and use cloth diapers and do home birth" Soo... um... clearly I'm pretty white when it comes to my children... that don't exist yet... Maybe this one should count as half and half.

White Points: 3.5
Non-White Points: 2.5

White-ness still reigning supreme in me.
Here is a picture of said cardigan which I will get my hands on, muahahahaha!

Awesome right?! I'll post a picture of me wearing it once I order it.

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