Wednesday, August 17, 2011

White People Wednesdays

I have learned that vacation is not conducive to blogging. So far, I have mostly managed to keep up with doing White People Wednesdays only. But now that I am now home (and I mean just home. Our plane landed in Anchorage this morning at 1:15. We left Anchorage somewhere around 2:30 or 3:00. Paused somewhere in Denali Park for a nap. And then napped again when we got to Nenana, and finally arrived home at 10:30am.) Bethany is sleepy and tired and cranky and hungry cause there ain't a lot of food in de house. So I'm gonna do a White People Wednesday post, visit a friend, and maybe take me a nap. Remember that you can view all the things that white people like by going to the website

#17: Hating their parents- I must admit that this is trend among many of my peers. And I have been occasionally guilty of complaining about my parents, especially when I was a teenager. But the truth is, I have great parents, and I love them. They were neither too strict nor too lax. They weren't perfect parents, but being human sort of makes that impossible for anyone to be a perfect parent.

#18: Awareness- Apparently, this is solving the worlds problem via awareness? This makes me think of a commercial I saw one time at the movies. It was celebrities talking about a disease. The kind where they film them one at a time in black and white, and they each list a statistic and try and make you care and donate money or something. And at the end, they revealed what the disease was... Influenza...aka the flu. I really thought it was a waste of commercial. They would have been better off making a commercial about AIDS or something. In the end, awareness brings light to a problem, but its only by doing we can fix things.

#19: Traveling- I LOVE TO TRAVEL! And I do both First and Third World. I have been to Canada (which I know doesn't really count), Mexico four times (three of which were NOT in resort towns), and Barbados. The hubs and I might go live in Japan for a year, and we are planning on visiting our friends in Scotland. Also, I love Airports. Even if I am not going anywhere I always get excited when i am in a Airport. I loves me some travel.

White Points: 11 (I counted awareness as half a point.)
Non-White Points: 7 (Remember I counted awareness as half a point.)

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