Thursday, August 18, 2011

Because every skin tone is beautiful...

Here is the thing about Malls. They make you feel bad about yourself. I'm pretty sure that's how they make all their money. And that makes sense. I mean a place that makes its money primarily on clothing stores wants you to think that the clothes you have are out of date, out of style, and out of your grandmothers closet. I grew up in the land of Malls, and spent much of my sad and pathetic adolescence trying desperately to reinvent myself every school year. (Helpful tip: It never works. No body's opinion of you has changed over the summer.) Then I moved to Alaska, and BOY did life get better. I mean sure, there are still people who dress better than I do, but mostly people don't care so much about that. Also, I got married. So I guess since I always have someone telling me what a Hottie I am, I don't worry about how I look too much.

But recently I was back in the land of lypo, and luis vitton, and I went to the mall. This is the mall I went to:

I went to this mall as a kid. Well, I mean this part of the mall (it's outdoor courtyard) wasn't there when I was a kid. It's gotten considerably more pompous and snobby in the last few years.

I went to this mall to help my friend find layers to keep her warm in England this year. And it started out harmlessly enough, and I was doing good... until we went into Sephora. If you don't know, that's a make-up store. A HUGE store wall to wall full of beauty products. It was my mistake really. I asked if we could go in. Then once I was in I remembered that I mostly don't wear make-up, and when I do I feel like I never really do a good job. And soon I began to feel really really bad about myself. Which put me into a poopy mood.

(Number One rule of Mall shopping: NEVER go feeling poopy. You ALWAYS make sure you look your hottest. Here is why... Pretend you are a castle. A Castle's primary job is defense right? So when you build your castle you build extra high and thick walls so that when the enemy invariably comes to rough up your peasants, steal your gold, and make off with your lady friend, it takes them a lot more time, effort, and supplies to accomplish that. If the Mall is your enemy, and you are the castle, then your confidence in your hotness is your walls. Without a strong and firm belief in your attractiveness, your walls will crumble and the enemy will get you.)

So after that, I was drowning in shallow pathetic-ness (and sadly the hubs was not there to shamelessly make out with me in public to make me feel better.) The last stop of the day was the MAC booth in Macy's. My friend wanted to get some awesome Mascara for looking hot in England, and while she was at it, she decided she wanted to invest in a nice lipstick. Now important to this story is knowing that my friend is Ethnic. She is Chexian, which if you don't know, is half Chinese and half Mexican. And she is a HOTTIE! We still have arguments with each other about who is prettier (her saying me, and me saying her... I'm right.) So because she can't find a lipstick that she thinks is nice on her own, she asks the MAC lady (who is white). Only it turns out that the MAC lady is no help, and my friend begins to feel more and more frustrated. Finally when the lady walks off to go help someone else, my friend mutters "White people have no idea what to do with brown skin."

Man, I felt so bad for her. All she wanted was to find a color that looked nice on her skin, and instead all she got was a whole lot of self doubt and feeling icky. I guess that's something I don't think about, which is probably because I think people with brown skin are so lucky. But most make-up IS designed for white people, and most people probably AREN'T trained to know how to do make-up on people with brown skin. So even though walking into a make-up store might make me feel bad about myself because I don't wear make-up and don't look perfect 90% of the time, at least finding make-up that works on me would be super easy. So in conclusion... Malls are stupid, make-up is even stupider, and all skin tones are beautiful, especially my friend's. MAC should get with the program, because they have no business making someone as gorgeous as her feel bad about themselves.

Isn't she stunning? I love her!

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