Wednesday, August 3, 2011

White People Wednesdays

So very very tired! Arrived today in Oregon, which I think is a White People Mecca. It seems to me that lots of white people live here anyway. I came this close (I guess you can't see how close this close is... pinch together your thumb and forefinger, now slightly separate them. That close.) to not posting today. But I guess as you can see, I'm doing it anyway, so here goes. Last I checked, we had just finished number 9. Remember that you can view the entire list at

#10: Wes Anderson movies- I have never ever seen a Wes Anderson movie. And I'm not about to start now! (I'm feeling white people rebellious today)

#11: Asian Girls- Oh gosh I just love Asian girls! Actually I'm lying... I do not have a weird thing for Asian girls. Though to be fair in this post, they admit that this one doesn't really pertain to white women, so maybe I won't count it. Which means I think today I will do four. (Though to be fair, I do know quite a few white guys who really do have a thing for asian women.)

#12: Non-Profit Organizations- I think that non-profits are good! I had an internship at a non-profit once for six months. Its nice to be able to help people without having to make sure they can pay you. And I admit, its does make you feel really good about yourself when you can help out the disadvantaged. (Of course, on the other hand, I rarely every give homeless people cash. Most of the time because I don't carry cash. Oooh one time I had a case of Vanilla Coke and so I gave this homeless guy one. He seemed disappointed. But anyway, I do really like helping people, I guess I shouldn't worry about what the homeless are dong with my money.)

#13: Tea- I like green tea, and peppermint tea when I am sick. But mostly tea is just a big disappointment to me. Take apple flavored tea. It smells delicious, but when I drink it does NOT taste like apple cider. I would rather have apple cider, or coffee. Tea is not my preferred warm beverage.

White Points: 6.5
Non-White Points: 5.5
(remember, Asian girls do not count for me... because I am not a white male.)

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