Wednesday, August 10, 2011

White People Wednesdays

Holy Cow this week has been crazy! My mother and Grandmother are running me ragged. So far since last Wednesday, we have gone to a family reunion, hiked up a mountain to a lake, Jet boat toured the Rogue river (which led me and the hubs to come up with a SUPER AWESOME raft down the Rogue with a big group of people family vacation plan. Be jealous.), and drove to/hiked around and down to Crater Lake. Its been a lot, so pretty much I come back exhausted and then have to get up early again to go onto the next thing. Vacationing is hard work! On the upside, mi madre bought me (and also technically the hubs) a brand new camera for our anniversary!!! Since my old one was pretty much broken and crappy.

Here is a picture of the new one:

Its a beautiful plum color. You can't tell in this picture because my Grandparents have crappy lighting in their house and its dark. I've pretty much been lusting after this camera for something close to six months, and I'm pretty stoked that I have it. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), because it has 14 mega pixels I don't have enough ram on my computer for the pictures to behave properly, so now I have to upgrade my ram.

Anywho now it is Wednesday, and so once again its time to update the running tally on how White I am. Last week, white people points were barely in the lead! Remember that you can see the full list of stuff white people like on

#14: Having Black Friends- Oh jeez... I am so guilty of this one. I love having black friends. I think they are very cool and interesting, and have very pretty skin. And I admit, that maybe... just maybe... as an added side note, I feel like I appear less racist to OTHER black people if I have black friends. But mostly, mostly I like my black friends because they are very cool people. Sadly, I have this horrible horrible problem where when I talk to people who ethnically belong to a controversial issue (either in the present or the past), I feel compelled to talk about it. When I talk to German people, I want to talk about their thoughts on WW2, Hitler, and the holocaust. And when I talk to Black people, I want to talk about slavery. *Sigh* I have to work really hard keeping my stupid big mouth shut.

#15: Yoga- Here is my thing with Yoga... I think its a really fun and trendy thing to do. In my head taking weekly Yoga classes is a small part of my "perfect life" (which incidentally never included living in Alaska... hmmm). I did Yoga videos with my friend when I was living at her house and it was AWESOME! You totally felt better afterwards, like everything in your body was aligned or something. What I don't like about Yoga is how hard it is to find either a yoga class or a yoga video where they take the eastern spirituality out of it. I don't like the Hindu-y undertones (or really obvious overtones sometimes). It makes me feel spiritually squirmy... so instead I tend to do Pilates... or Zumba!!! But not gonna lie, LOVE the way I feel after doing Yoga. Also, I love my Yoga pants. (they currently have holes in them. I need to go to American Apparel while I'm in the lower 48 and get a new pair.)

#16: "Gifted" Children- Well, I agree. This is a trend among white people. But as I do not have any children yet, I cannot go on and on about how gifted they are. Though I am absolutely positive that they will be gifted, and here is why. I was a gifted child. That's right. I'm special, and I don't mean in an ED sort of way. I started talking at 9 months. I started walking at 10 months. And by age 4 I could read a book all by myself. And I don't mean I memorized a book that I liked a lot (I did that when I was two). No, I mean, you hand me a book I had never read before, and I could read it. Granted, I may not have been reading at a Junior High Level at that point, but I could read. On a side note I was reading at a college level in Junior High. Oh boy I love bragging! See, so I was gifted. I'm sure my children will be gifted. And even if they aren't OBVIOUSLY gifted, I will find something for them to be gifted about, because lets be honest, good parents always find something their kids do to brag about. I will be no exception.

Well that all puts white people stuffs in the lead... so much for a neck and neck race.

White Points: 9.5
Non-White Points: 5.5

Here is a picture of my legs blinding people when exposed to direct sunlight. It was taken with my new camera! :)

Very sad side note: This is after my legs have been sunburned three of four times in the last week. And they are STILL white. I hope all of my children are born with my hubby's skin genes. He tans.

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