Friday, October 7, 2011

How I Spend my Days or the Two Whitest Shows of all time Ever

I got an unexpected full time job! I was doing In Home Care for the lady two days a week, and then the afternoon lady quit so I got to take over for her. So from noon to 6 every day I go over to this lady's house and hang out with her. And its a pretty sweet gig. I feed her lunch, do a load of laundry for her, wash a few dishes, and take her to the bathroom. That's it! The rest of my time is spent sitting on her couch reading a book while she watches TV. Her channel of choice? GMC. (Which I think stands for Gospel Music Channel. Hold on lemme go google it. YAY! Wikipedia says I'm right!) Who want to guess what the two shows that play on GMC every day from noon to 6?

If you guessed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and The Waltons, you win a gold star!

If you don't know what these shows are about, let me give you a brief synopsis. We will start with Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman:

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is the six season long tale of a Woman Doctor in the post civil war wild west moving to the small Colorado town of Colorado Springs to be the doctor. Dr. Mike, as she is lovingly called (full name Mikayla), spends her days healing the sick, counciling the townspeople, and fighting against very serious social issues. Such issues include: sexism, racism (both against African Americans and Native Americans), the value of Unions, adoption, child AND spousal abuse, addiction, and even the problem with getting sue-happy. That's where everyone decides to sue every one around them for every little thing they can think of. That episode taught me that more people sued each other in the 19th century than the 20th century. Oh, you might not know what that means... 1800s > 1900s for suing. Sully is Dr. Mike's one true love. He's a white guy raised by Indians. She also has three adopted kids and one biological one (with Sully). There are only two black people in town. And everyone loves and respects them, unless its a racist themed episode and then everyone in suddenly joins the KKK EXCEPT Dr. Mike of course. The two "bad guys" in town are the Barber and the guy who owns the local Saloon/whore house. But a lot of the time they also do the right thing, and only seem to hate Dr. Mike when it is convenient for the plot. It is a show that is ultimately about how one woman can change a town for the better while wearing skirts and saving lives.

And now! THE WALTONS!!!

This is the favorite TV show of all elderly people. Seriously. I do not know a single old person who does not love The Waltons. Its a TV show that Chronicles the story of a Family living on Walton's Mountain in Virginia during the depression. Things I love about this show: There are two old ladies who brew bootleg Whiskey, between all 7 of the Walton Children every single possible life scenario is tackled in its 9 seasons, um... that's all I can really think of. Things that drive me crazy: Their names are SO BACK WOODS COUNTRY!!!, people on Walton's mountain are surprisingly Unracist (and seeing as this is 1930s Virginia I don't think that's accurate), John Boys Mole!!!! Just like Dr Quinn, The Walton's love to tackle social issues and there is always family togetherness and a heartwarming ending. They make the best of what they've got, and share with everyone they can, etc. etc. etc. And every single one of them loves Walton's Mountain and what it means to them and what it represents in their awesome and loving and wonderfully together family. I'm pretty sure the Walton's don't know what the word dysfunction means.

And so every day for at least four hours, I get to spend my time watching these heartwarming and uplifting TV shows. Its like a daily dose of White People with my pay check. Ahhhh How I love my Job! Now I need to go watch something made by Tyler Perry...


  1. I'm so white I skipped the synopses. I was like oh, yeah of course. She needs to watch more TVLand so you can get some Bonanza and Green Acres in there. I assume Touched by an Angel doesn't come on until like, 8pm.

  2. GUNSMOKE! All the little old white women get lady boners for marshall dillon.
