Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chicken Nuggets: The Brunch of champions

There are many things from my childhood that I have long since given up. I have put them aside to pursue more adultish things like bills, responsibility, and legal binge drinking* (I kid about that last part.) Heck, I even limit my coloring time to once every couple of months or so!

But I think I do a stellar job when I do color, no? The one in the middle isn't finished yet, but it was the only princess one I could find. I didn't want the picture to be too piratey.

But there is ONE thing, that I shall NEVER let go of from childhood, and that is Chicken Nuggets. If my father was here, he would take the time to point out that this proves I have absolutely no taste buds. And I would remind him, that if that's true, then he must cook crappy tasting food, because I love the way his food tastes. (I just wanted to get that conversation out of the way really quick.) For some, like my father, it may be hard to understand what on earth would make me love something so overly processed. After all, where ARE a chicken's nuggets located? But the truth is, I love their breaded chicken-y flavor, or maybe more accurately, I love BBQ sauce. Because I have found, that chicken nuggets without BBQ sauce, do not taste the same. If you put Ketchup on chicken nuggets, they taste like fish sticks (true story, try it some time.) If you put ranch dressing on chicken nuggets, they taste like sad and pathetic chicken strips (though I do LOVE a crispy chicken strip with buttermilk ranch.) If you put sweet and sour sauce on chicken nuggets, they taste like egg rolls. If you use honey mustard on chicken nuggets, all you'll do is make me crave a salad. Which by they way, is the TOTAL opposite of chicken nuggets.

I think chicken nuggets are one of those things that you are supposed to let go off as you become an adult. You move onto lunch foods like salads (if you're healthy), and Big Macs (if you're a fatty), or Sub Sandwiches (if you're at a subway). Chicken nuggets are what you buy small children at fast food places to avoid a mess. But to that I say NAY! I have always loved my chicken nuggets! And I always will. So as I sit here and finish my Tyson chicken nuggets dipped ever so lovingly in my K.C. Masterpiece BBQ sauce, I will savor each and every delicious bite, which screams "Forget you adulthood, I'm eating chicken nuggets!"

*To turn this into a fun ADULT game, take a shot every time I say Chicken Nuggets!**

** (2nd) Whitest Girl U know does not endorse binge drinking


  1. One time my friends and I all went out to the bars in Anchorage for Jen's birthday. We stripped the carseats from her suburban and spent 6 hours acting like we were NOT mothers. (Note: I was 3 months pregnant, very good looking, and a dedicated-to-my-cause designated driver). After the night had finally gone past the point of no return we decided to free the babysitters from Jen's house where the kids had all been corralled, but not before hitting up McDonalds for 40 chicken McNuggets and 3 large fries. They were all screaming at me at once in their too loud drunk people voices that life COULD NOT CONTINUE WITHOUT THE NUGGETS. MOAR BBQ SAUCE! There were BBQ packs everywhere, getting fries dunked in them, it was really crazy in that suburban. Nuggetorgy. We didn't get to the superserious military gate until 3am and the guards thought we were ALL insane, and made us get out of the car so they could full on double rainbow with a dog search it. McNuggets are BETTER as an adult. 9/10 times I get the smoothie and the salad, but when you crave a nugget nothing else will do.

    PS: your nugget presentation is sublime.

  2. I miss eating nuggets with Bethany, and that's saying something because I'm a nutty health girl, as she called me.
