Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chicken Nuggets: The Brunch of champions

There are many things from my childhood that I have long since given up. I have put them aside to pursue more adultish things like bills, responsibility, and legal binge drinking* (I kid about that last part.) Heck, I even limit my coloring time to once every couple of months or so!

But I think I do a stellar job when I do color, no? The one in the middle isn't finished yet, but it was the only princess one I could find. I didn't want the picture to be too piratey.

But there is ONE thing, that I shall NEVER let go of from childhood, and that is Chicken Nuggets. If my father was here, he would take the time to point out that this proves I have absolutely no taste buds. And I would remind him, that if that's true, then he must cook crappy tasting food, because I love the way his food tastes. (I just wanted to get that conversation out of the way really quick.) For some, like my father, it may be hard to understand what on earth would make me love something so overly processed. After all, where ARE a chicken's nuggets located? But the truth is, I love their breaded chicken-y flavor, or maybe more accurately, I love BBQ sauce. Because I have found, that chicken nuggets without BBQ sauce, do not taste the same. If you put Ketchup on chicken nuggets, they taste like fish sticks (true story, try it some time.) If you put ranch dressing on chicken nuggets, they taste like sad and pathetic chicken strips (though I do LOVE a crispy chicken strip with buttermilk ranch.) If you put sweet and sour sauce on chicken nuggets, they taste like egg rolls. If you use honey mustard on chicken nuggets, all you'll do is make me crave a salad. Which by they way, is the TOTAL opposite of chicken nuggets.

I think chicken nuggets are one of those things that you are supposed to let go off as you become an adult. You move onto lunch foods like salads (if you're healthy), and Big Macs (if you're a fatty), or Sub Sandwiches (if you're at a subway). Chicken nuggets are what you buy small children at fast food places to avoid a mess. But to that I say NAY! I have always loved my chicken nuggets! And I always will. So as I sit here and finish my Tyson chicken nuggets dipped ever so lovingly in my K.C. Masterpiece BBQ sauce, I will savor each and every delicious bite, which screams "Forget you adulthood, I'm eating chicken nuggets!"

*To turn this into a fun ADULT game, take a shot every time I say Chicken Nuggets!**

** (2nd) Whitest Girl U know does not endorse binge drinking

Friday, September 2, 2011

I don't think I'm fooling anyone...

There is a part of me that I have tried so very hard to keep hidden from the world. A secret part of me, that I hoped would go by unnoticed, that people would simply overlook it. I hoped, quite simply, that my true nature would not be revealed to the world at large, because if it was, there was no hope for me socially.

I guess as a teenager I really hoped that other teenagers (clearly the people I needed to impress the most) would one day discover I was really cool. I had a sad habit of trying to reinvent myself every year. It never worked. So you would think that at some point, I would have given in and just been me. But no, I worked very hard to maintain some illusion of being moderately cool even as I moved into adulthood. But now I have done something so unbelievably uncool, that there may be no hope for me what-so-ever, and everyone will know that I am a big fat NERDY GEEK FACE!

I began watching Battlestar Galactica, and I like it.

And I guess that wouldn't have been so bad, if it hadn't have been for a comment I made tonight at Community Group. The subjects of my rats came up, and I said "Rats make great pets." To which someone replied, "Oh you mean like Scabbers?" and I shot back "NO! SCABBERS IS EVIL!" Because I was legitimately offended that anyone would compare my rats to the faithful servant of the Dark Lord, or more importantly the dirty stinking rat responsible for the death of Lily and James Potter. Unforgivable! (Did I mention that I once saved an article from a magazine because they used the word "voldamortian" like it was a real word? Genius.)

So I guess I have to finally come out of the Geek closet (which I realize isn't a surprise to 99% of you). And in honor of finally publicly embracing my horribly uncool self, I will make a list of very geeky things about myself.

1. I watch Battlestar Galactica... and I like it. I like it so much that I have been Netflix marathoning it for close to a week straight. I'm halfway through season two. I don't know why I waited this long to check it out. Resistance was clearly futile.

2. My Christmas list includes the following two items...

This one is clearly, a gryffindor sweater. (I'm loom knitting a scarf to match)

And THIS is a wand that you can program as a universal remote for your TV... so instead of pressing buttons, you flick it different ways to control your TV. Also, it must be noted that I promised the hubs that if he got me this for Christmas, I would play Settlers of Cataan with him.

3. My butt looked like this when I attended the midnight book release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. (And yes, I am wearing Gryffindor colors... so sue me.)

(If we could have a moment of silence for Borders where this photo was taken... You were an amazing bookstore and you will truly be missed.) Fun facts though, not only is my butt right... but I read that book in 9 hours straight, from midnight to 9am that night, and then spent the next week or so irritated because no one else had finished it and I didn't have anyone to talk about it with.

4. My favorite video game of all time is Pokemon for the game boy. It doesn't really matter which version, except for yellow. I didn't like yellow because you HAD to start out with Pikachu and the first gym leader was Brock who only uses Rock Pokemon and Electric Pokemon are USELESS against Rock Pokemon so you pretty much had to spend WAY too much time catching OTHER Pokemon and building up their strength so that you might have a decent chance at beating the FIRST FREAKIN GYM LEADER! Unfair to make it so hard so fast in my opinion.

5. You know what I got in trouble for growing up? Reading. That's right... I got in trouble for reading too much. Or rather, I got in trouble for reading with a flashlight under my covers at night instead of being asleep. Or reading under my desk when I was supposed to be doing math. More than once in Jr High I got in trouble for trying to sneak INTO the library.

6. "What's that got to do with the price of peas in Persopolis?" (If you know where this quote is from, congratulations... you and I have the same taste in literature. If you use this in your every day language like I do, Congratulations... you are a big fat nerdy geek face.)

7. I read textbooks for fun... but only the ones I find interesting. Also, when I am really bored, I have a habit of finding (and reading) really weird books. I once found a book in my Grandparents' basement that said you could tell whether or not a person was introverted or extroverted by how much their mouth watered when you put a drop of lemon juice on their tongue, which sounds crackpot to me. But the book also said that people who dream always in color and almost always remember their dreams are the most creative and intelligent... and I do both of those things... so I'd like to go on believing the book was correct. Never mind that it was written in the 70s.

8. has a taun-taun sleeping bag with a zipper pull shaped like a lightsaber and the inside fabric is designed to look like guts. If you don't think that's cool... there is something very wrong with you in my book. Also, come to think of it, pretty much everything on that website is awesome. If you've never checked it out GO THERE!!! If you don't find anything awesome or hilarious on that website, you might actually be a normal human being.

9. I played Dungeons and Dragons in Junior High and High School by choice. And I had fun doing it. Its probably because of this that I find the Order of The Stick web comics so hilarious. I am often ashamed that I get 99% of the jokes in it.

10. I recently got into a discussion involving the TARDIS which did not involve any of the following key words "Doctor", "Who", "TARDIS", and yet I knew exactly what we we talking about. The other person in the conversation then proceeded to say "Which ones your favorite?" And I said "The 10th hands down." and He said "well so and so's is definitely the 9th, but I prefer the Tom Baker years myself." I would like to point out that this was only the second conversation I had ever had with this person and neither one of us INTENTIONALLY brought up ANYTHING to do with Doctor Who. Our natural flow of conversation just led us to it.

So there you go. I'm a big geek. I won't try to hide it anymore. I don't think I was doing a very good job to begin with. I guess I will just go on having discussions about muggle quidditch in public and hope that nobody judges me if i accidentally say "frak" in a conversation. Thank goodness I'm not a Trekkie and I don't play WoW!