Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Very Potter Christms aka This Ones For You Dassie

If there is one thing I love to do above all others, its read a good book. From the time I figured out that letters made words and words made sentences, and sentences made stories, I have always been able to be suckered into reading a good book. (As evidenced by my staying up until 5:30am last night to read The Hunger Games in its entirety... I didn't manage to stay awake in Church this morning.) And my favorite book series of all time is Harry Potter. I own all the books, I own all the movies, I read fan fics of all my favorite characters. You could say I was a fan. So needless to say I was very happy when I received many wonderful Harry Potter gifts. I got two Lego key chains (one of Dobby and one of Hermione). I got Harry Potter playing cards! I got the Knight Bus and Quidditch Lego sets. And I got two books that detail the process of turning the books into movies! Last year I got a Norwegian Ridgeback in my stocking... So it turns out that getting me Harry Potter stuff is a popular way to go. Not that I'm complaining mind you. I flippin love all my Harry Potter stuffs... And as I sit here watching my little Sister-in-law trying to throw her Angry bird stuffed animals at her pig stuffed animal which is imprisoned in a pile of Jenga blocks, I reflect on the spirit of Christmas. And that is Love. We all show that love in different ways, but I especially enjoy showing my love through gifts. And I think that's totally acceptable. After all, God showed his love for us by giving us a gift, the greatest gift of all: His Son Jesus. In terms of gifts this year, I totally killed it, but more important than that is the fact that I am surrounded by people who love me, and people whom I love, and best of all, I have Jesus Christ as my lord and Savior. And now I totally got off topic, but I don't care because I sort of like where this post has gone.... Maybe I don't hate stream of consciousness as much as I thought I did.

"Playing Angry Birds"

Building the Pigs Fortification

The Finished Fort

The Birds WIN!